Recipes Remedies

Healing Coconut Balm

January 29, 2019

Would you believe, that this soothing coconut balm recipe for your flock’s feet only has three ingredients?? It’s very effective on your feathered friends feet that are exposed to not only the ground cover you use, but also the weather and can also help with Scaly Mite too! All the ingredients are natural and its so easy to make!


  • 1/2 Cup pure Coconut Oil
  • 1/2 Cup Beeswax
  • 1/4 Cup Olive Oil


  1. Heat coconut oil, beeswax and olive oil in a double boiler on low heat, until melted together.
  2. Mix well and pour into storage containers.
  3. Let cool, before using.
  4. Apply on chickens legs and feet as and when necessary.

For Scaly Mite, dip affected chicken’s feet in apple cider vinegar (or apply using a small paint brush) and let dry, prior to applying the Healing Coconut Balm.

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